domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

Blog 4: My favorite music artist

Welcome back to my Blog! This time it will be about my favorite musical artist, I hope they like it as much as I do. I like many musical genres like electronic, reggaeton and reggae, but my favorite is rap, for its messages of social and political criticism, where through the expression of feelings seeks to convey reality as it is.

My favorite rapper is Portavoz, his name is Andi Ferrer Millanao, he is an MC and music producer from Conchalí, Chile, who was born in 1988. In 2007, together with the group Salvaje Decibel, they released their first album "Poblacional", with which they obtained recognition from other rappers and people. His solo albums have been "Formato de MC" (2005), "Rap con R de Revolución" (2011) and "Millanao" (2019). My favorite song is "El otro Chile":

CASAPARLANTE: PORTAVOZ | Desde - Seré Breve (remix) .EnVivo - YouTube

I like Portavoz, because the lyrics of his songs are characterized by representing the popular sectors and workers, promote respect, visibility and defense of the Mapuche people, it also criticizes the political class and the government's indifferences. During the social outbreak he participated in many confrontations and protests, where his songs sounded like hymns of the revolution.

                     Portavoz | Música popular, Rap, Musica   

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi mati, I like artists who are interested in social problems and express that in their songs to raise awareness. A hug friend!

  2. Hi Matias! I like black Andy too hahaha his rap reflects the reality of many often invisible people.
